Created by Steve Englehart and Ian Gibson

The Original Universe


Aliases: Breakers
Homeworld: Earth
Space Sector: 2814
Physical characteristics:
Eyes: Two
Skin Color: Brown fur
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps #214 (July 1987): "I Think, Therefore..."
Creators: Steve Englehart and Ian Gibson


For a definitive list of appearances of the B'rks in chronological order click here


The B'rks, or Breakers, appeared in the year 5711 AD as a menace to the human population of Earth. They had evolved from experiments conducted on chipmunks by Doctor Ub'x of H'lven in the late 20th Century.

The Solar Council refused to recognize their claims and requests for living space. To this end, they summoned a Green Lantern from the past to act as Pol Manning, the defender of the solar system in their era. They did not intend for the abducted Green Lantern's allies to travel through time after their friend, and ultimately interfere in the Council's battle with the Brekaers.