 Unofficial Catwoman Vol. 3 Index

Catwoman Vol. 3 75


Cover Date: March 2008
Cover Price: $2.99


Cover Credits:
Art: Adam Hughes (signed)

Story: "Waking Up On the Wrong Side of the Universe, Part One" (22 Pages)


StoryWill Pfeifer
PencilsDavid Lopez
InksAlvaro Lopez
ColorsJeromy Cox
LetteringJared K. Fletcher
EditingNachie Castro

Feature Character(s):

Catwoman (last in Salvation Run #2, page 17, panel 1; in Salvation Run #2, page 17, panel 3 through Salvation Run #4 in between pages 1 and 2; appearance page 1, panels 1 through 3 same as Salvation Run #2, page 16, panel 3 through page 17 panel 1)

Guest Star(s):

Rick Flag, Jr. (in between Salvation Run #2, page 17 panel 3 and 4; appearance page 1, panels 1 through 3 same as Salvation Run #2, page 16, panel 3 through page 17, panel 1, and appearance page 1, panel 7 same as Salvation Run #2, page 17, panel 4)
Martian Manhunter (last in Salvation Run #2, page 17, panel 1; in Salvation Run #2, page 17, panel 3 through Salvation Run #4, page 1 in between pages 1 and 2; appearance page 1, panels 1 through 3 same as Salvation Run #2, page 16, panel 3 through page 17 panel 1)
Captain Boomerang II (appearance same as Salvation Run #2)


Bane (in between Salvation Run #2, page 17, panels 1 and 3, and then in between Salvation Run #3 and #4)
Lex Luthor (in between Salvation Run #2, page 17, panels 1 and 3, and then in between Salvation Run #3 and #4)
Deadshot (in between Salvation Run #2, page 17, panels 1 and 3, and then in between Salvation Run #3 and #4)
Chemo (in between Salvation Run #2, page 17, panels 1 and 3, and then in between Salvation Run #3 and Salvation Run #5; appearance of latter five page 1, panels 1 through 3 same as Salvation Run #2, page 16, panel 3 through page 17 panel 1)
Abra Kadabra (in between Salvation Run #3 and #4)
Cheetah II (in between Salvation Run #3 and #4)
Heat Wave (in between Salvation Run #3 and #4)
Joker (in between Salvation Run #3 and #4)
Killer Croc (in between Salvation Run #3 and #5)
Mirror Master III (in between Salvation Run #3 and #5)
Weather Wizard (in between Salvation Run #3 and #5)


Story continued from the previous issue and continues in the following issue.

Story Reprinted in:

Catwoman Vol. 6: Final Jeopardy (January 2017)


The world's most violent and dangerous villains have been sent to the Hell Planet from SALVATION RUN, and Catwoman's just arrived! Selina Kyle's got skills, cunning and craftiness, but she's also going to need to make a deal with the devil in order to stay alive.
The Joker. The Rogues. The Cheetah. And they're just the beginning of Catwoman's problems.