Unofficial Harley Quinn Vol. 2 Index |
Cover Date: August 2014
Cover Price: $2.99
Publication Date: 2014-06-18
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Cover Credits:
Art: Amanda Conner (Cover A+B; signed), Ant Lucia (Cover C)
Colors: Paul Mounts (Cover A+B; signed), Laura Allred (Cover C)
Story | Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti |
Art | Chad Hardin |
Colors | Alex Sinclair |
Lettering | John J. Hill |
Assistant editing | Matt Humphreys |
Editing | Katie Kubert |
Group editing | Mark Doyle |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Bernie the Beaver
- Nathan the Wiener Dog
- Poison Ivy
- Big Tony
- Goat Boy (last in issue #3)
- Jerry (a gun-toting assassin; first appearance; dies)
- Karen (a ninja assassin; first appearance; dies)
- Brooklyn Assassins Guild (B.A.G.; first appearance of all; one dies)
Other Character(s):
- Dan (first appearance)
- Dave (first appearance)
- Coney Island citizens
- Madame Macabre
- Coney Island, Brooklyn
- Welcome to Ladies' Night, where Harley gets her butt kicked by Big Bertha Bensonhurts at the roller derby, starting a massive bar fight. Plus, Harley teams up with Poison Ivy to find out who hired all those pesky assassins.