Unofficial Justice League Vol. 4 Index |
Cover Date: February 2019
Cover Price: $3.99
Publication Date: 2018-12-05
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Cover Credits:
Art: Guillem March (signed)
Colors: Tomeu Morey (signed)
Story | James Tynion IV |
Art | Guillem March |
Colors | Arif Prianto |
Lettering | Tom Napolitano |
Associate editing | Rob Levin |
Editing | Paul Kaminski |
Group editing | Marie Javins |
Feature Character(s):
- Legion of Doom
- Lex Luthor (last in Aquaman/Justice League: Drowned Earth #1; also in flashback in between flashbacks in issue #5; next in flashback in Justice League Annual Vol. 4 #1)
- Cheetah (last in Aquaman/Justice League: Drowned Earth #1; next in issue #18)
- Gorilla Grodd (next in flashback in Justice League Annual Vol. 4 #1)
- Joker (also in flashback preceding issue #1)
- Sinestro (next in flashback in Justice League Annual Vol. 4 #1)
- Batman Who Laughs (last in issue #8; next in Batman Who Laughs #1)
- Brainiac (last in Justice League: No Justice #1; next in flashback in Justice League Annual Vol. 4 #1)
- Chronos (last in Justice League of America Vol. 5 #29; next in New Year's Evil #1/8)
- Felix Faust (last in ???)
- Giganta (last in Aquaman/Justice League: Drowned Earth #1)
- Mister Freeze (last in ???)
- Parasite (last in ???)
- Professor Ivo (last in ???)
- Queen Bee (last in ???)
- Riddler (last in ???)
- Scarecrow (last in ???)
- Solomon Grundy (last in Aquaman/Justice League: Drowned Earth #1)
- Toyman (last in ???)
Other Character(s):
- Eddie (first appearance; in flashback)
- It’s on—the Totality will totally total the Multiverse! What could possibly go wrong when the Legion of Doom gets their hands on it? Plus, what is the connection between JUSTICE LEAGUE and the new BATMAN WHO LAUGHS miniseries from Scott Snyder and Jock?