Created by Peter David and Todd Nauck

The Original Universe


Status: Deactive
Former Members:  Doiby Dickles Dyna-Mite Second Sweep Gimmick Girl Cyclone Kid Cyclone Kid,
First Appearance: Young Justice #16 (January 2000)
Creators: Peter David and Todd Nauck



In response to growing concerns about teenage super-heroes, like Young Justice, Senator Neptune Perkins assembled a group of senior citizens, former hero sidekicks of the 1940s and 50s, to handle the situation. The members of "Old Justice" were: Daniel Dunbar (formerly Dyna-Mite), Doiby Dickles, Mortimer and Amelia Jibbet (the Cyclones), Thorndyke Tompkins (Second Sweep), and Merry Pemberton (Gimmick Girl). In truth, they were all manipulated by the rogue agency called the Agenda, led by Contessa Erica del Portenza. While Young Justice was made to look bad in public, the Agenda fed Old Justice information about their activities, and duped them into taking action. Although realizing that they were being used, Old Justice continued to do what they thought was best for the kids.

After a heated argument between the two teams on live television, Wonder Girl called a rally in Washington D.C. to air both parties' grievances. The Contessa then utilized the aid of Klarion the Witchboy, who cast a spell to reverse the ages of the heroes present – the so-called "Sins of Youth" event. The Old Justice members were untouched by the spell, and guided the other heroes to defeat the Agenda. When everybody had been returned to their proper ages, all parties sat down to settle their issues. Old Justice decreed that heroes both young and old were responsible for their own actions, and Senator Perkins finally freed Young Justice from all charges. Old Justice has not been seen as a team since, but Doiby later joined forces with Young Justice to oppose the rogue government of the planet Myrg.


For a definitive list of appearances of Old Justice in chronological order click here


Young Justice Secret Files #1 (January 1999)