Created by Leo Dorfman and Jim Mooney

The Original Universe


Name: Zerox
Aliases: Sorcerors' World; Gemworld
Space Sector: Unidentified
Points of Interest: Castle Amethyst; Fortress Opal; Castle Garnet; Ruby Ruins; Topaz Keep; Aquamarine Archipelago; Emerald Domain; Citadel of Sapphire
First Appearance: (Zerox/Sorcerer's World): Action Comics #301/2 (June 1963)
(30th Century): Adventure Comics #369 (June 1968);
(20-21st Century, as Gemworld): Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2 #298/2 (April 1983): "Duel in Dark Magic"
(Earth-247 version): Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #76 (January 1996)
Creators: Leo Dorfman and Jim Mooney


Many centuries ago, when humans lived alongside elves and fairies, a far-off supernova altered the very constellations themselves. The celestial catastrophe threatened the mystic abilities, if not the very existence, of magic wielders.

The witch-mother Citrina had been prepared for this event and was able to use vast magic power at her disposal to find, if not create the realm that would become known as Gemworld. She led the refugees from Earth through the portal to their new home. Along with them came most of the magic from the Earth dimension. -Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #8

The Gemworld was not a sphere, but was in fact a disc. The sea would flow over the side to parts unknown. The Gemworld sun would rise from the sea and pass over its one major landmass which was divided into twelve realms. Each of these realms was ruled by one of the twelve major houses. The society and architecture resembled Earth's Middle Ages.

In the years that passed, Dark Opal made a bid to rule Gemworld and aligned himself with the Lords of Chaos. Though he ruled for a time, he was ultimately defeated by Amethyst.

Amethyst would discover she was a Lord of Order born in human form. She consolidated the power of the gemstones into her being and merged with the Gemworld, returning to stop a new threat, Wyrnn, later known as Mordru, by burying him for nearly one thousand years.

Sometime between the twentieth and thirtieth centuries, the other-dimensional planet called Gemworld was moved from its realm into our "scientific" universe and became known as Zerox, the Sorcerer's World.

No longer a disc, the full planet was covered by oceans dotted with chains of islands, including the Teachers' Isle, home of the most powerful sorcerers on the planet. In the 30th century it had become the magic center of the galaxy, and the home of Mysa the Witch.

In the late 30th Century, the entity known as the Archmage freed itself from the planet's crust and unleashed magic across the universe, thus starting the Magic Wars. The Legion of Super-Heroes was aided by Amethyst who advised the White Witch to let the Archmage destroy the planet. In doing so, it destroyed itself as well.


Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #10 (February 1984): "...And Into the Arms of Death!" by Dan Mishkin, Gary Cohn and Ernie Colón, features a map of Gemworld.


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #9 (November 1985)