 4-D (Lea Corbin)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Grant Morrison and Howard Porter

4-D (Lea Corbin).png
The Original Universe


Real Name: Lea Corbin
Occupation: Former captain in the US military
Citizenship: American
Group Affiliation(s): Ultramarine Corps
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: (in shadows): DC One Million #2 (November 1998)
(fully seen): JLA #24 (December 1998)
Creators: Grant Morrison and Howard Porter


Captain Lea Corben was one of four members of the American military transformed into super-humans by Wade Eiling with the intent of creating heroes entirely devoted to the American cause. She was granted the ability to escape from three-dimensional confines, making her hard to imprison amongst other abilities. Along with her colleagues, she rebelled against Eiling following a confrontation with the JLA and founded the Ultramarine Corps of Superbia. With numerous other heroes, she fought injustice independent of any government and even went on a mission to save a crime-ridden micro-Earth.


For a definitive list of appearances of 4-D in chronological order click here