Created by Len Kaminski and Anthony Williams

The Original Universe


Status: Disbanded
Former Members:  ScreamqueenSlitherGross-OutFang,
First Appearance: Showcase '96 #11/2 (December 1996): "On The Road"
Creators: Len Kaminski and Anthony Williams



The Scare Tactics is a group of persecuted teenage outcasts, the kind that many people would describe as "monsters". They are also one of the freakiest rock bands on Earth and have acted as heroes on several occasions.

Organized by Arnold Burnsteel, the group originally consisted of Screamqueen (Nina Skorzeny, a Markovian Vampire girl and lead singer of the band), Slither (James Tilton, formely known as Jimmy the Reptile Boy, a circus freak and bass guitar player), Gross-Out (Philbert Hoskins, a disfigured blob playing the drums), and Fang (Jake Ketchum, a hillbilly Werewolf and lead guitarist).

The Scare Tactics went on a spectacular concert tour in the U.S., at the same time opposing menaces such as the R-Complex Agents and the Graveyard Shift. Sadly, Slither had a brain disorder and a violent streak and was killed by Gross-Out in self-defense. The rest of the Scare Tactics are still active as a rock band and semi-active as heroes.


For a definitive list of appearances of Scare Tactics in chronological order click here