 Unofficial Batman Vol. 3 Index

Batman Vol. 3 32 (Cover A)


Cover Date: December 2017
Cover Price: $2.99
Publication Date: 2017-10-04


Cover Credits:
Art: Mikel Janín (Cover A; signed), Olivier Coipel (Cover B; signed)
Colors: Dave Stewart (Cover B)

Variant Cover:
Cover B
Art: Olivier Coipel
Colors: Dave Stewart

Story: "The War of Jokes & Riddles, Conclusion" (20 Pages)


StoryTom King
PencilsMikel Janín
InksMikel Janín
LetteringClayton Cowles
ColorsJune Chung
Assistant editingMaggie Howell
EditingJamie S. Rich

Feature Character(s):

Batman (also in flashback)

Supporting Character(s):



Joker (in flashback)
Riddler (in flashback)
Kite-Man (in flashback)

Cameo Appearance(s):

Alex Spellman (in a picture)
Amelia Spellman (in a picture)
Ashly Canter (in a picture)
Becca Williams (in a picture)
Bran Deemer (in a picture)
Brian Pantz (in a picture)
Charlie Brown, Jr. (in a picture)
Christopher Gellarno (in a picture)
Darrel Tanner (in a picture)
David Feldman (in a picture)
David Weagle (in a picture)
Dean Stahl (in a picture)
Doug Peters (in a picture)
Eric (in a picture; last name unknown)
Flan Joseph (in a picture)
Gabriel (in a picture; last name unknown; only "Gabr" shown)
Gene Perlson (in a picture)
Hassan Halji (in a picture)
Heather Antonio (in a picture)
Heather Freeman (in a picture)
Heidi Smith (in a picture)
Ivan Rydkin (in a picture)
James Dee (in a picture)
Jerrit Berenstein (in a picture)
Jessica Lyons (in a picture)
John (in a picture; last name unknown)
Joe Fernandez (in a picture)
Jon Thurmond (in a picture)
Kal (in a picture; last name unknown)
Kelly Shane (in a picture)
Kyle Park (in a picture)
Lindahl Kane (in a picture)
Louise Jones (in a picture)
Luke Foster (in a picture)
Maggie Chung (in a picture)
Mary (in a picture; last name unknown)
Meg Halderman (in a picture)
Monty Paul (in a picture)
Murd Ox (in a picture)
Patrick Konner (in a picture)
Pete Brioche (in a picture)
Reagan Spellman (in a picture)
Renee Fulkerson (in a picture)
Richard Ronalds (in a picture)
Rober Deans (in a picture)
Romeo Cruze (in a picture)
Sandy Green (in a picture)
Sean Prior (in a picture)
Steve Harwood (in a picture)
Steve Harwood (in a picture; a different Steve Harwood than the one above)


Story is continued from the previous issue.
This story takes place a year after Zero Year.
The cameos are all of characters that died during the War of Jokes & Riddles.


“THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES” finale! This is the finale everyone will be talking about for years to come! In BATMAN #24, we gave you the question; in BATMAN #32, you get the answer. As the Riddler and The Joker desperately fight for supremacy in Gotham City, Batman reveals how far he had to go to end the war. Now, knowing Batman's greatest sin, Catwoman must make her decision: Will she marry Batman?