Created by Bill Finger (credit by O'Hearn) and Bob Kane

The Original Universe


Real Name: Henry Ross
Group Affiliation(s): Nuclear Legion; Society
Gender: Male
Hair: None
First Appearance: Batman Vol. 1 #8 (December 1941-January 1942): "The Strange Case of Professor Radium"
Creators: Bill Finger (credit by O'Hearn) and Bob Kane


A really tragic case, Professor Henry Ross was a scientist who was was accidentally transformed into 'a human radium ray'. In need of an expensive antidote, Ross used his newfound powers to commit crimes in Gotham, desperate but anxious not to hurt anyone. After stealing the antidote and giving himself an injection, Ross believed himself cured and went to see his girlfriend Mary Lamont. But the drug's effect wore off sooner than expected and when Ross touched Mary, he accidentally destroyed her. Going insane, Professor Radium soon found himself battling the Gotham Police as well as Batman and Robin. He managed to flee, only to fall into the murky waters of the Gotham River, where he was thought to have drowned. Recently, however, Professor Radium returned and was revealed to have joined a subgroup of the villainous Society known as the Nuclear Legion.


For a definitive list of appearances of Professor Radium in chronological order click here