Created by Alex Toth

Witches Three.png
Witches Three: Cynthia the Maiden, Mordred/Morgana the Crone and Mildred the Mother
The Original Universe


Aliases: the Triple Goddess, the Fates, the Furies, the Graces, the Gray Ladies, the Hecatee, the Kindly Ones, the Norns, the Morganna, the original Muses, the Three Faces of the Moon, et cetera
Gender: Female
First Appearance: Witching Hour #1 (February-March 1969): "Let the Judge Be... You!!!"
Creators: Alex Toth


In all cultures, there have been worshippers of the female power. Not always has it been allowed - some who have practiced it were burned as witches or worse – but it has always existed. And in too many cases for it to be a mere coincidence, its incarnation has taken the form of a female trinity. Often in the forms of Mother, Maiden, and Crone.

In recent years, The Three Witches – Mildred, Mordred (who in later years have attempted to change her name to the more appropriate 'Morgana'), and Cynthia – have been one of the Triple Goddess' most favored incarnations, as which they are responsible for the creation of several stories. Both fictional...and real.


For a definitive list of appearances of Three Witches in chronological order click here


Who's Who in the DC Universe #15 (January 1992)